Can it Be Pass Off to the Next Generation?

Have you seen people who prosper easily in whatever business they do? If you look at things critically, these people may be reaping the rewards of mercy stored up a hundred years ago by their great-great-grandparents or other ancestors.

When you hear the word mercy you may think of compassion shown toward an offender. I tell you, that’s a one way of thinking about it, there’s even more significant benefit attached to this word. You can store up special mercy in your business for future generation to come by conducting business with godliness and integrity.

Every time you act with honesty and integrity, every time you honour God in your business, every time you’re kind in your business, every time you respect someone beneath you in your business, every time you bless others sacrificially from your business, every time you pray for your business, every time you create time in your business to serve, God will honour you in return by releasing His goodness and special mercy into your business that can be handed down from generation to generation.

Proverbs 13: 22 “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, but the sinner's wealth is laid up for the righteous.”

The business you’re building today may be for your children, for your grandchildren, or it may even benefit somebody in your family line a hundred years from now.

Be careful of the inheritance you're leaving to your children, and children's children. Live today in a way that causes your future generation to triumph.

This week, I wish you favour and mercy in your business and personal life. 💗


Damilola Ogunremi, 

Your friend & Coach


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