The Storm Will Soon Be Over. . .

Your declaration of the week:

I DECLARE I will not give up on being persistent in hard work and diligence in the name of Jesus.

I DECLARE I will not lose hope, give up on myself and God despite a delay in achieving good success in my business in the name of Jesus.

I DECLARE I will not fall away in trusting God in the name of Jesus.

I DECLARE every impurity and caterpillar in my life and business be purged with fire in the name of Jesus.

I DECLARE powers preventing my increase be utterly destroyed in the name of Jesus.

I DECLARE I will grow stronger and nothing will hinder my growth in the name of Jesus.

I DECLARE every business and career hardship is working for my good in the name of Jesus.

I DECLARE whatever hardships, stronghold or challenges facing my business and career will soon be over in Jesus name.

I will keep looking onto the Finisher of my faith until He grants me according to my heart’s desire and fulfils all my purpose. This is my declaration.

This week, I wish you favour and mercy in your business and personal life. 💗


Damilola Ogunremi,

Your friend and Coach.

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