I Declare the Light of God...


Your declaration of the week.

I DECLARE the glory of my hands that the enemies have sold to the market of darkness, so I’d be remove far from growing in business, becoming stronger and winning new business shall be located by mercy.

God shall raise the glory of my hands out of the place to which it has been sold off and restore back to me.

God shall destroy every person of darkness that despises my shining.

The Lord God shall return the retaliation of their wickedness to me upon their children.

The heritage of their children shall be sold off to the land far off from a mighty deliverance.

I shall arise, and shine in business and in all areas of life.

The light of my business/career shall be so bright that no star will be able to diminish its brightness.

My business shall be sheltered by the light of God, and no evil shall pass through it again. This; the good Lord shall do for me by His holiness.

The land of my business shall flow with milk, and the hills therein shall drip of new spring and blessings shall flow from the throne of the Lord into the house of my wealth. This is my declaration in Jesus name.


This week, I wish you favour and mercy in your business and personal life. 💗


Damilola Ogunremi,

Your friend and Coach.



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