I shall be Fruitful. . .


Your fruitfulness will not just manifest. 


God worked for 6 days using His fingers.


To be fruitful and multiply, you have to deliberately plant what's in your hand.


Don't just confess fruitfulness. Also, work it.


Start from somewhere.


Work from the bottom up.


Don't despise your little beginning.


Be patient in the season of planting.


Fruitfulness is a process.


Burn the midnight candle. Go through the process patiently. Sow, keep sowing and sowing until the harvest time comes.


I don't know what you want to reign over. But, I want to reign over obscurity and limitations. Using the above scripture, declare your fruitfulness and victory.


I declare I shall be fruitful and multiply in Jesus name. 


I shall fill the earth and subdue it in Jesus name.


I shall reign over business/career turbulence. This is my declaration in Jesus name.


This week, I wish you favour and mercy in your business and personal life. 💗


Damilola Ogunremi,⁣⁣

Your friend and Coach.

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