The Little Ways to Give Boost in Optimism in Your Business


Know this… if you are a boss person, you need to give employees a boost in optimism about their job in a day or a moment they feel miserable or unmotivated at work.

You may say, “But Damilola, what business do I have with giving anyone a boost since I pay these people for the job they are hired to do?”

Well, in today’s business world, just employing people and paying them is not enough.  When we nourish existing business with appreciative, positive, caring, and healthy behaviour and attitudes, there are no limits on what progress we can achieve. However, when we constantly tell ourselves that there's no point in boosting optimism because people will always have bad moments, then we can't possibly expect to create a happy working environment. Having happy employees can affect everything from getting the job done properly and profiting the bottom line - so it's incredibly important to give a boost in optimism.

Sometimes, an employee who doesn’t see a promotion or positive reception for his or herself where they work may have trouble getting motivated about their job, but a compassionate approach can improve their optimism.

Optimism is one outcome of doing well for others in the world.

So, how do you do well for employees in your business to boost optimism?

One of the things that can make an employee the unhappiest is putting them down.  When you notice an employee's imperfections on the job, try sending them to attend classes to fix their flaws to become the best possible versions of themselves. This is one of those instances where you give a boost in optimism to people in your business and you will also be happier because of the positive change that you made in their lives which can be harnessed to better your business.

Never underestimate the power of creating the opportunity to be helpful to employees in your business. Helping others can move mountains. It doesn't even have to be a huge help! By just paying attention to employees' mood, showing concern and providing means for them to be happy can do wonders for relieving miserable emotions. And when an employee truly lightens up, they can enjoy working both in the long-term and the short-term. Helping employees is, of course, important for boosting optimism.

What are other ways you can invoke optimism in your business? 

Sometimes, it helps to let employees know they're not alone when they're going through difficulties; others have experienced similar pain and have gotten through it.  So, proffer kindness to the employees passing through long odd situation around you in the business. The effect of your kindness on their mood and your business can be invaluable.

Notice strengths, and help employees to keep track of their strengths.

As a boss person, lend a hand to employees to find the good that exists in the job they do.

Orient new employees with love.

Encourage employees to help absentees cover up.

Sometimes, work as buddies with subordinates.

Inspire employees to explore the good in each and every day of work.

Are you a boss person? Make your business better by continuing to make giving boost in optimism the norm in your business.

One of the easy ways to begin boosting employee’s optimism this week is by placing a note of appreciation on an employee’s desk. If you don't have staff members yet, write one for yourself!

Remind your employees today that they are fabulous with their job. And yes, you are fabulous too as a boss person.

If you want more help with giving a boost in optimism to your employees, be sure to sign up for a phone, email or Zoom consultation to get started with training with us. Contact Want something else? Click here to browse through the list of our corporate training. Looking forward to working with you!



Damilola Ogunremi

Etiquette, Image and Business Coach.



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