Your Weekly Faith Declaration for Businesses

I connect my business to Jesus.

I connect my business to power.

I connect my business to life.

I connect my business to a brighter future.

I connect my business to the rest in Jesus.

I connect my business to divine protection.

I connect my business to all-round peace.

I declare that grace will flow into my business.

I declare that my business will remain connected to divine grace.

I declare that the wisdom, intelligence, and sound health I need to do my business in the new year will never fail me in Jesus's name.

As I labour and my heart is connected to Jesus, I will not sweat to operate in life in the name of Jesus.

I will not labour without making headway in the name of Jesus.

I decree and declare that heavenly treasures shall forever flow into my business.


This week, I wish you favour and mercy in your business and personal lives. 💗⁣⁣




Damilola Ogunremi,⁣⁣⁣⁣

Your friend and Coach



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