You are a young professional who has just begun employment in the field of your choice. You wish to advance your grasp of personal branding beyond what you currently know. You understand that building a powerful personal brand can help you differentiate yourself from the competition, draw in better career opportunities, improve your reputation in the workplace, and advance your career. How can you enhance your existing personal brand?
To Do:
📌To get started with enhancing your brand, first identify your current
personal brand and the values, qualities, and characteristics you believe define
📌Reflect on both your online and offline presence. Currently, how do you
conduct yourself at work? In what ways do you portray yourself on social media
platforms, professional networking sites, and any other online platforms? Are
your online personas and your office personas consistent with the personal
brand you wish to project?
📌Identify any gaps or weak points in your brand. Do you need to improve
on your values, qualities, or characteristics to bolster your brand? Use these
values, qualities, and characteristics to strengthen your brand once you've
identified them.
📌Lastly, think about your goals and professional aspirations. Determine
how your brand fits in with these objectives. Next, make a plan of action for
improving your brand and being more visible and credible in your field.
This post is an opportunity for self-reflection and self-improvement, so
take the time to think critically about your current personal brand and how you
can make it stronger. Please leave a comment below with your thoughts. For
personal branding training, contact or
08170768650 via WhatsApp.
To your continued success.
Damilola Ogunremi,
Your Professional and Coach
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