Why Are You In Business?

Yes, you have the power to take whatever business you do from ordinary to extraordinary, achieve average results or exceptional ones and amount to something starting with knowing exactly why you’re in the business.


So, let’s begin with a simple question: Why are you in business?


Are you in business for personal therapeutic reasons and have no grandeur of being successful?


Are you in business just to meet your immediate needs?


Or are you in business thinking your first business transaction will make you rich? Oh my! You do, don’t you! Look at me, well, pretend, now shake your head left and right when I ask this: Are you in business right now because you think you will immediately be filthily rich? Well, if you’re one of the lucky ones who make it big with your first business attempt, I say congratulations!

Why do you need to know the reason you're in business?

Knowing why you’re in business will help you to be out in front, achieve exceptional results, and lead the way when you have the biggest obstacles to conquer and the most challenging difficulties to overcome in your professional life.


When you’re criticized or misunderstood, knowing why you’re in business will help you fight the negative forces that are sure to come, such as:


“Oh, you lack the qualities. You can’t do a business like this.” “This sort of business idea will never work.” “Stop putting any more energy into this. This type of your business can never succeed.” “You’ll never amount to anything if you continue with this business.” “You’re not smart enough to be a business owner, etc.”


Sound annoyingly familiar? If not, soon enough, you may get a comment like this pop at you at any time, so knowing why you’re in business will help ease your response and strengthen your resolve.


As a person who knows why is in business:

➤Have high expectations and work hard to achieve them.

➤Be SPECIFIC with your business, and be consistent.

➤Be realistic so you can detour disappointments.

➤With each hurdle and criticism coming in, motivate yourself to improve your qualities personally and professionally.

➤And let no amount of failures, hours, labour, and lack of resources or money deter you from giving your business the best it needs to achieve exceptional results.


What about you? Do you know why you’re in business? Set realistic reasons for yourself today, and don’t let anything stop you from amounting to something. 

Love & More Success. 💗

Your friend and Coach, 

Damilola Ogunremi.

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