How High Do You Aim?

One of the reasons some people never come close to reaching their full potentials despite the fact they have the natural abilities – is the problem with the altitude of where they set their aims.

While aiming high can be very frightening, or seem unattainable, it only requires courage, determination, responsibility, answerability, and action to fly in spite of the fears.

Let me ask you something. Do you aim high? I imagine it’s rare in these hard times. I encourage you not to waste time aiming low, limiting yourself to only what seems easy, doable or simply possible. Don’t cage your potentials, because it doesn’t take more energy to aim high than it takes to aim low.

Instead of striving to simply pass your exams, determine to finish top of your class. More than pushing to increase your customer base, aim high to be the top marketing person. Instead of just helping others to supply goods, try having your own shop in the future. Rather than just doing your job in the workplace, aim high to advance in your career. It’s the trademark of top go-getters.

Choose now to aim high and exceed your potentials.

Talk again soon,
Damilola Ogunremi
DRS Etiquette & Image Consulting – Building Lives, Reputation, and Image

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