How Are You Flaunting the Big Body?

Often times I see women with a big body and very tight clothes that give them awful shaping, splitting their body into different parts. You can even see clearly that they are struggling to breathe. This is the wrong choice of style. I understand you want to flaunt your curves in all the right places. You can achieve this without wearing very tight clothes that hug your body and make you an awful showstopper.

In order to dress and look your best, consider favoring fitting but not necessary tight skirts over very tight skirts. This sort of skirts fits perfectly without altering your body shape. A playdown bra will be good for packing your breasts into a small size if you also have big boobs. Stay clear off blouses that give detail around your belly area. Flattering but, loose-fitting blouses that will slightly conceal your fat body is a good choice.

I am uniquely positioned to help you optimize your personal appearance. For personal style advice, hit the comment button and let’s get you started. 

Photo by Cflgroup Media from Pexels

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