Do you know that, by creating more than one income streams for yourself,
you’ll ensure that your eggs are not all in one basket, and you’ll give
yourself financial freedom?
Let me ask. Do you already have too many income streams or obstacles?
What’s your exact story? Are people telling you, “How can you do so many
things together at once?” Do they say to you, “No sensible person does that,
get your head out of the clouds!” And you don’t dare to do more than one thing
in your life, because somewhere along the line when you tried someone called
you, “Jack of all trades, masters of none!”
Well, I want you to stop restricting yourself. What are the business
ideas your eyes are opened to? Stop burying your ideas by focusing your
attention on the hurdles that might stand in the way. For now, make a list that
includes everything you can do besides your present job. Let your imagination
dream about opportunities that will let money come in from multiple sources and
never stop rolling in.
With your ideas in writing, focus, meet people, learn skills that will
help you gain expertise to activate your business ideas and help you see them
through to fruition.
A mother of three told me this morning that, she’s praying to God for a
job. I told her to do business. She said there’s no money. I let her know she
doesn’t need money. I noticed she’s very good at cleaning. I told her, she
could start a business in this area and gave her advice on how to start from
scratch without spending a dime. Maybe, you’re just like this mother of three.
Don’t wait until you have a big breakthrough before you expand. Stop accepting
limitations from yourself, and others. Start creating more success now. Much
love, Damilola Ogunremi, DRS Etiquette & Image Consulting.
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