Are You Creating More Angles?

Appearances are important, they always have been and they are always going to be. Beyond how we are perceived by strangers, colleagues, or staff, our appearance can have a major impact on our happiness by affecting the growth of our romantic relationships.

In the movie Sex & Mrs. X, after 10 years of marriage, unattractiveness resulted in infidelity in Joanne’s marriage. Her husband wanted a divorce and didn’t see her as the woman he once wanted to spend the rest of his life with until she brushed up her appearance and created more angles to be attractive.

I’ve identified the following benefits for women that maintain good appearance:
*Positive opinions
*Lasting impression
*Taken seriously in business
*Greater success in the corporate world
*Increased charm inside out
*Increased attention with partner
*Lower chances of infidelity
*Increased confident & MORE!

If a woman’s image is not as good as it should be, she may lose a lot of things. A poor image can be painful. You can avoid the pain.  

Dress up your professional wears and still be tough and smart. Stay away from clothes that are too young, too old, archaic or funny. Stick to something to something classic. Wear lipstick with power shade. It can change everything. As a married woman, avoid sticking to one style. Create different looks. As you’re smart about everything in your life, do the same for your appearance. If you need help to spice up your appearance, hit the comment button below for one-on-one consultation.

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