What Students Say in Our Etiquette and Character Education Class about Bullying


Keeping a careful eye on kids is the best way we can fight bullying in our schools and society.

~Genevieve Umogbai

Bullying can be difficult to stop sometimes if the bully is obstinate and refuses to listen; in that case, you should report the bully.


The difficult response to bullying is to start a fight with the bully, whereas the simple one is to avoid the bully and walk away.


Bullying can be a problem and can result in the victim having physical or emotional issues. Stop bullying, please.



Our teachers should teach us more about bullying and its consequences so that we can fight it.



Violence and disrespect are difficult ways to respond to bullying. And the simplest way to deal with bullying is to defend yourself or report it to a teacher or your parent.

~Inimfonabasi Umoh


Bullying is a problem because it causes people to feel down, isolated, depressed, and even suicidal.

~Omonkwo Chikamso


Use caution when taunting. It may easily turn cruel and result in bullying.

~Talisman Okpara

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