How to Be a Poised Employee "Part-3"

When I ask some business professionals "What does etiquette mean", I always hear:


Etiquette can mean a lot of things...

💐Having the manners and skills you need to be confident in yourself and conducts
💐Running a sales meeting
💐Interacting effectively in a multicultural setting as a person of power
💐Dressing appropriately
💐Effective corporate gifting
💐Making an introduction
💐Etiquette is all about the essential skills you need to succeed in business and in life. 

For the past two weeks, I've been talking about the right skills you need to have in all situations on the job. This week,  I shared another four tips with you. Watch these videos to help you conduct yourself with poise on the job.

Let this be a week spent well with far-reaching benefits for your career future!

Love and more success, 💗
Your friend & Coach
~ Damilola Ogunremi

P.S. Know anyone who could find this video useful right now? Share this video with them. 🙏

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