My Big Business Dreams Shall Not Fail

I key into every exceptional success strategy and powerful concepts I need for setting and reaching my goals.

I declare the power of God shall set in motion a brand new pathway in my life, one that shall lead to business and career success, spiritual growth, and personal freedom.

I declare I am immensely encouraged not to give up no matter what happens.

I declare every habitual poverty mentality sabotaging my dreams is terminated.

I declare my deepest longing to be what I want to be shall not be a waste.

From now on, I refuse to focus on why I couldn’t achieve my goals and settle on a big dream without limits.

I shall discover God’s purpose for my business and career.

I declare that life-transforming opportunities begin to locate me.

I declare I shall overcome too many obstacles and limitations on the way to my success.

I declare the incredible power of God released is released upon me.

By the spirit of power in God, I dare to step out of business obscurity into business celebration.

I shall live my business in Jesus name, Amen!

This week, I wish you favour and mercy in your business and personal life. 💗


Damilola Ogunremi,

Your friend and Coach.


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