Upcoming Book: For Mum: Golden Guidelines for Raising Excellent Kids

It’s Damilola Ogunremi with a serious question for you:

Are you helping your children to increase the power of doing more?

Just like children, saying “thank you” does not usually come as easy for everyone as saying “please,” because our attention shifts once our requests are granted. I see this happen a lot with adults. Each time people request something of me and they forget to use the good manner of appreciation and give the favor rendered the deserve recognition, I simply remind them. And eventually, they become used to saying “thank you” around me.

As a courteous mother who wants to raise excellent children, praising, cherishing, treasuring and admiration must be part of your characteristics innate or acquired.

Are you ready to increase appreciation and release the power of doing more? If your answer is YES, with my upcoming book For Mum: Golden Guidelines for Raising Excellent Kids, you have everything you need to help your children develop holistically!

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