Live Out Your Passion

Does the thought of discovering your unique talents and abilities make you a little uncomfortable?

It’s okay, I promise I won’t tell.

You might be thinking... 

What would I do with talents?

Will talents get me any success with the state of the economy, the job market and the types of careers which are presently in demand?

What will people think of my talents?

How will I accomplish my talents with a lack of resources?

Are talents even something you can spin into a business?

YES. You can turn your talents into a business, even if it seems impossible for you now. To get started, begin with identifying your natural talents and abilities. Take a good, honest look at those things you’re very good at. Ask friends of some definite things you do constantly that they’ve perhaps noticed. The response you acquire will help you evaluate your inborn talents and the abilities, which you can adapt to your life dreams and then, turn into a business.

In my own case, I love providing solutions to problems, teaching, speaking, singing and writing, and I believe I’m gifted to do them. So, I had training, education and pay for very special mentoring that empowered me to perform these talents professionally.

You’ve been set apart with diverse gifts that can contribute to your greatness in life. Find yours and polish them. For instance, if you’ve been nursing the ambition of starting your own business and earning more, I suggest you SPOT YOUR TALENTS. To do this, recognize what you love doing professionally, at home and when you’re with friends. Are there any skills you’re exceptionally at? List them. From this list, choose three skills you enjoy doing more than anything, which you can turn into a business. Additionally, make a list of the steps you need to take to get started. The training and education you need to acquire, your obstacles and chances, the people with similar talents you need to meet and learn from. . .

To more success,
Your friend and Coach
Damilola Ogunremi

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