How to Have a Healthy Self-Image

Since I was a young woman, a trainer and management consultant, I’ve been captivated by the difference in the quality of people’s images. Why do some people attempt difficult task and succeed at it while other people with everything they have going on for them are the least to achieve excellent results in challenging responsibilities?

I found that those who overcome perplexing challenges, quite often are those who are positive persons. They are constantly so positive about things. To them, negativity could be tired out under the bombardment of constant self-positivism. And this is why you must also thrive to start down the positive track to begin building a positive you.

What Can You Do To Activate The Self-Positivism In You?

Imbedding positivism in your personality makes it possible to survive many unnerving challenges in this life. With a healthy self-image, you would have good healthy thoughts, enjoy a happy you and keep your life in order. Self-positivism makes it possible for you to concentrate only on what’s important and not on the things or people who brings you down.

One of my grannies said her father used to call her thoughtless, (alaini irori) in my language, because she never let any bad condition or anyone weigh her down. She was always so positive even in the most hopeless situation, may her soul rest in peace. It’s the same quality my daddy shares. He is so much in control of his mind that, he decides whether to be upset about poor condition or not.

You can start today like this two marveling personalities to begin building a positive you. Living a life of positivism involves every aspect of your thinking.  So to activitivate the positive you, let your thinking go from negative to positive, from ordinary to extraordinary and from average to exceptional.

Even when families and friends, and situations underrate you, keep in mind that the trick to building a positive you in life is to regularly alter positively every negativity that comes your way, adjusting your thinking and words to be positive.

What’s the other dynamic ways that a person can build a positive them? Any tips you can add to the list? I would love to hear your thoughts on this. For help on exercises you can adapt to build a positive you, please use the contact me option to email me.

Create More Success
Damillola Ogunremi

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